Friday, February 18, 2011

The "So What?"

          So why is it important that Metropolis, Prelude to Afternoon of a Faun, and art in the Art Deco movement reflect the combined notions of mechanization of the work place and an increased femininity? Looking at this art can teach us a lot about the different art forms and about the time period in which they were created. These art pieces were created in the time period of 1910 to 1930. During that period, industrialization was occurring at the same time that women’s roles and participation in society were increasing. This art, particularly with the jerky dance movements and the paintings’ geometric forms, reflect a new era of the machine. Yet, whether or not this change was positive or negative can be left open for interpretation.


Works Cited

Lempicka, Tamara. Nana De Herrera. 1928. Tamara de Lempicka: The Complete Works. 2011. Web.
          17 Feb. 2011.

Lempicka, Tamara. Self-Portrait in the Green Bugatti. 1925. Tamara de Lempicka: The Complete
          Works. 2011. Web. 17 Feb. 2011.

Metropolis. Dir. Fritz Lang. UFA, 1927. <>.

Nijinsky, Vaslav, choreographer. L'Après-midi d'un Faune. Comp. Claude Debussy. Perf. The Paris
           Opera Ballet. Paris Dances Diaghilev. Elektra Nonesuch Dance Collection, 1990.

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